About Us
Survivors On Our Own of Arizona, Inc.
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Monday.......10am - 2pm
Tuesday........9am - 8pm
Wednesday...9am - 5pm
Thursday......9am - 5pm
Friday...........9am - 8pm
Saturday.....10am - 3pm


Executive Director...........Gaye T.
Advocacy......................Martie F.
Events/Field Trips...........Ruth H.
Membership Intake..........Ruth H.
Membership Billing...........Colleen C.
Newsletter Submissions....Colleen C.
  General Information....... Ruth H.
Donations......................Ruth H.
                                   Martie F.
Education/Training.............Amy A.
Transportation...............Colleen C.
Employment..................Gaye T.
Bookkeeping..................Colleen C.
Volunteers....................Gaye T.
                                  Ruth H.

Ruth is our Program Director. She plans many fun and interesting activities for us and she always welcomes suggestions and ideas.

Our Programs

It is as simple as a one-on-one discussion or as active as a group session.  All members and employees are consumers so peer support is always from the SMI perspective.  Groups always take place in a non-threatening atmosphere.
SOON believes in life long learning.  Education isn't just a degree, it is an understanding of life and goals.  Current events, nutrition, stress management and "Why we take our meds" are all topics covered in peer groups.  For more structured learning there are classes in Basic Computers, Math, Poetry, Reading, Pre-GED and specialty classes like Writing Business Letters.
Because of the stigma attached to mental illness, socialization skills are not always evident in our member's lives.  SOON members can sign up for weekly field trips to local recreation and entertainment.  SOON also encourages socialization through wekly Game Day and the Monthly Social Where we give out prizes for participation.
SOON's peer process allows us to help each other achieve our goals.  One of the goals of SOON is to help members grow as individuals and as a group.  SOON also employs a part-time Advocate.

Our Location

2144 E Roosevelt St.
Phoenix, Arizona 85006
Mailing Address:
PO Box 61358
Phoenix, Arizona 85082-1358